Support options that benefit Reformed Education and bring you peace of mind.
Help parents with the cost of education
Gain peace-of-mind by estate planning
Make a deposit that also gives back

Reduce Estate Taxes
Steward Your Gifts
Enjoy Peace of Mind

Each year Harvest gives away approx $900K of earnings to Reformed Christian Schools.
We’re increasing our support to
$1.2 million/year.
You can help.
Three exciting ways you can partner with Harvest
Kingdom Builder
Keep Reformed Education Accessible
We’ve made it easy to participate. Here’s how to get started investing with Harvest.

Partnering with Harvest
gives you peace of mind.
- Plan your will
- Minimize estate taxes
- Consistent returns
- Tuition reduces for parents
- Steward your financial gifts
- Funds are managed based on Biblical principles
- Multiple support options are available
- Knowledgeable team
- We are a part of your community
- Reformed confessional foundation
- Inter-generational Respect
Educating our children in the way of the
LORD ought to be a joy!
…and it is for the 300+ supporters who have already
blessed us with gifts.

Schedule a Call
Fill in and submit the following form to schedule a call or visit with our Executive Director